前言 Preface 你怎麼變出那些香料的?Look at all those spices!
Part I 春生 Spring
1-1 芫荽的愛恨情仇/The Great Cilantro Debate
芫荽酸辣醬 Cilantro Chutney
芫荽籽雞胸肉 Coriander Chicken with Lemon
芫荽籽茶 Coriander Tea
BOX:肥皂還是臭虫 Soap or Bugs?
1-2 初春三月/Early Spring in March
薰衣草花茶 Lavender Tea
迷迭香雞腿排 Rosemary Chicken Leg Quarters
甜馬鬱蘭里肌肉排 Pork Chop with Sweet Marjoram
BOX:地中海料理香草 Herbs in Mediterranean Cuisine
1- 3 青澀梅子/Green Plums
紫蘇梅 Perilla Plums
甘草茶 Licorice Tea
台式脆瓜 Pickled Cucumber
西式酸黃瓜 Dilled Pickles
自製鹹蛋 Homemade Salted Eggs
西式鹹蛋 Salted Eggs, Western Style
BOX:台味西洋風 Taiwanese Flavors, with a Twist
1-4 一日之計在早餐/The Most Important Meal of the Day
地獄廚神炒蛋 Hellishly Delicious Scrambled Eggs
比司吉與黑胡椒肉汁醬 Biscuits and Gravy
早餐香腸 Breakfast Sausages
騙人培根 Homemade Bacon
芝麻葉沙拉 Arugula Salad
BOX:西洋早餐裡的香料Herbs in Western Style Breakfast
Part II 夏長 Summer
2-1 馬告與各色胡椒之戀/Litsea Pepper and Peppercorns
馬告雞湯 Litsea Chicken Soup
馬告醉雞 Litsea Drunken Chicken
三色胡椒 Peppercorns in Colors
BOX:促循環的胡椒家族 Black Pepper, the Activator
2-2 羅勒、打拋、九層塔/Basil, Thai Basil, and Taiwanese Basil
三杯雞 Three Cups Chicken
打拋豬肉 Thai Basil Pork
松子青醬 Pesto Sauce
BOX:東西方羅勒九層塔香氣比一比 Basil Family Around the World
2-3 來去墨西哥/Mexican Fiesta
莎莎醬 Salsa
匈牙利紅椒不辣醬 Chorizo
手撕豬肉 Pulled Pork (Carnitas)
BOX:南美料理的香料 Spices in Latin-America Cuisine
2-4 滷包大集合/Spice Mix
傳統炕肉 Taiwanese Soy Sauce Pork
牛肉麵 Beef Noodles
家常烤雞Everyday Roast Chicken
南瓜香料 Pumpkin Spice
BOX:吃滷也是吃補 Spices as Adaptogen
Part III 秋收 Fall
3-1 東南亞風味/Flavors of Southeast Asia
泰式酸辣海鮮湯(冬蔭功)Tom Yum Goong
綠咖哩 Green Curry
BOX:香料與香草百變風味 Flavor Changing Herbs and Spices
3-2 蔥薑蒜/Spring Onion, Ginger,and Garlic
蒸魚 Steamed Fish
大蒜蛋黃醬 Aioli
阿嬤的肉丸子 Ahma's Meatballs
BOX:家常芡芳(爆香)香料菜裡的學問 Sizzling Hot Spices
3-3 印度菜/Indian Cuisine
馬薩拉綜合香料雞 Masala Chicken
咖哩 Curry
坦都里烤雞 Chicken Tandoori
BOX:印度香料與酥油 Indian Spices and Ghee
3-4 香料酊劑/Extracts and Tinctures
香草酊劑Vanilla Extract
丁香苞酊劑 Clove Bud Tincture
小荳蔻酊劑Cardamom Tincture
BOX:補藥酒與酊劑 Tonic and Tincture
Part IV 冬藏Winter
4-1 吃喝瘟疫(流感)蔓延時/Spices and Herbs in Pandemic Times
薑黃奶茶 Turmeric Milk Tea
藥草蜜 Herbal Honey
藥草濃蜜茶 Herbal Decoction
火辣蘋果醋 Fire Cider
西式蔬菜雞湯 Chicken Soup for the Soul
BOX:流感的藥草對策 Herbs for the Flu
4-2 西洋節慶料理/Holiday Feast
烤雞 Roast Chicken
派皮 Pie Crust
南瓜派 Pumpkin Pie
蘋果塔 French Apple Tart
蔓越莓果醬 Cranberry Sauce
蛋奶酒 Eggnog
BOX:暖身助消化的節日香料 Spices for Digestions and Circulations
4-3 吃甜甜/Live a little
南瓜蛋糕 Pumpkin Tea Cake
肉桂捲 Cinnamon Rolls
香料燕麥餅乾 Spice Oatmeal Cookies
香草布丁 Vanilla Custard
香料熱紅酒 Mulled Wine
BOX:甜點香料學 Spices in Desserts
4-4 正蔥二韭/Spring Onions and Chives
韭菜盒子 Chives Calzone
蔥油餅 Spring Onion Pancakes
希臘風蒔蘿雞胸肉 Dilled Chicken
BOX:正蔥二韭的台灣民間養生學 Eat Your Seasonal Herbs and Spices
後語 Epilogue
走了好久,終於回家 Finally Home