有其他使用上的問題與建議,請 email 給阿娥,我會努力解答。也誠心希望你的肌膚、頭皮、髮絲在使用手工皂後,都可以被呵護得很健康。
How to Use and Store Cold-Processed Soaps
Claire’s Handmade Soap follows traditional cold-process soapmaking method. All soaps are handmade in small batches with various plant oils and lye. Cold-process soaps contains higher levels of glycerin in comparison to commercial soaps, making handmade soaps more soft and easier to dissolve in humid environment. We recommend that you store your soap in a dry space when not in use. You may also wish to alternate between bars of soap, allowing each bar of soap ample time to dry and harden. This will make your soaps last longer.
We have been trained to use liquid shampoo over the years, it may take some getting used to when it comes to shampoo bars. Start by wetting your hair completely, then apply the shampoo bar directly onto your hair to lather. When you feel like you have enough foam/soap to clean your hair, put the soap aside. Then rub the lather onto your scalp and give it a good massage. When you are done cleaning, rinse off thoroughly with water. If you live in an area with hard water (higher mineral content), you may wish to rinse off your hair with diluted vinegar to reduce soap scum. Since cold-processed shampoo bars do not contain silicone (additives in commercial shampoo to give your hair the shine and smoothness), it is recommended that you do not comb or style your hair until after you have blow-dried or waited for your hair to dry.
If kept well in a cool, dry and dark space, handmade soap’s shell life can be as long as 2 years and up. Depending on the formulas of the soap, if higher percentage of multi-unsaturated fats are used, it may be more prone to oxidization and spoilage. As long as there’s no rancid smell from the soap, it is in general safe to use.
If you have really sensitive and irritable skin or suffers specific skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, you may wish to test the soap on your forearm to make sure no ingredients of the soap bar can cause discomfort to you skin.
We hope you enjoy Claire’s Handmade Soap and happy cleaning!
Claire’s Handmade Soap
| 月鯨有限公司 | 統編:53618427 | 地址:台中市沙鹿區光華路329號2F
| 免工廠登記 中市經工字第 1010050194號 | 地址:台中市大里區中興路二段162之3號